"In Jesus Christ, there is no distance or separation between the medium and the message:
it is the one case where we can say that the medium and the message are fully one and the same."
Marshall McLuhan


media theologian - storyteller - educator - speaker - musician - video content developer

Hi, and welcome to my exploration of the intersection of culture, media, technology, communication, education and faith. You can find out more about what I fill my days with professionally at either my LinkedIn or Google+ profile.

I live on the beautiful Sunshine Coast in SE Queensland with my wonderful wife, Clair, and our four children: Josiah, Lukis, Darcee and Mabel.

above all I am a student and learner, because I firmly believe that all of us have the potential to continue learning until we die....and embracing this potential will enhance our travel on the journey of life.

as a media theologian I continue to explore how the Christian faith is expressed within an ever changing media ecology where the media we use to communicate, connect and build community influence the community that we inevitably build...
as a storyteller I craft my expertise and learning into narrative arcs that enhance connection, engagement, vision and learning...
as an educator I work to facilitate learning through inviting participation into activities and rituals that enable self-learning and growth...
as a speaker I focus my energy on three core areas of cultural value systems, communication & media, and educational philosophy and practice and speak on these areas within any given context. as a Christian speaker, I also speak in settings such as camps, conferences, and corporate gatherings...
as a musician I contribute to culture making practices through songwriting and live performance...
as a video content developer I work alongside partners to develop video content that empowers them to speak to their tribes on messages...

my expertise and experience comes from the study of, practice in, teaching of, and engagement with the intersection of our changing communication cultural milieu and Christian faith communities.
I've developed curriculum and lectured in communication, media and cultural studies, video production, creative ministry, and personal and ministry formation. (Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Bachelor Degree and Graduate Diploma levels of learning).
I've been involved in leadership in Christian ministries in the following areas: creative ministry, music ministry, local church ministry, cross cultural ministry, Christian tertiary education.
I currently work in partnerships to create on message video content to engage, inform, educate and inspire audiences for clients of Innovate Media and the Vlog Pod.

some folks who have inspired my thinking:
media & culture:
Albert Borgmann, Jacques Ellul, Marshall McLuhan, Walter Ong, Neil Postman, James Davison Hunter, Bruno Latour, Andy Crouch,Shane Hipps, Tim Challies, Andy Crouch, John Dyer, Douglas Rushkoff, Gordon Lynch, Mark Johnson, Martin Heidegger
all of the above plus: Harold Innis, James Carey, Robert Fortner, Quentin Schultze, David Altheide, Jürgen Habermas, Paul Ricœur
Neil Postman (yep needs to be mentioned again), Paulo Freire, James KA Smith, CS Lewis, John Dewey, Mary Hess, Robert Banks
(practical/praxis) theology:
Andre van Oudtshoorn, Richard Osmer, Terry Veling, Dan Browning, Ray Anderson, Kevin J Vanhoozer

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