"In Jesus Christ, there is no distance or separation between the medium and the message:
it is the one case where we can say that the medium and the message are fully one and the same."
Marshall McLuhan

#Word2017: A New Media Theology Challenge

With my last post I shared some of my musing over the years in the form of songs and poems. Well, this sparked an idea for me in terms of a challenge for 2017.
If you were with me last year you'll remember that I went live everyday for a month. And whilst not discounting maybe doing that again sometime, I thought 2017 could do with a new challenge. So for this year I will be writing and sharing a poem every week.

Each week will be inspired by a different word - so be sure  you head over to Facebook and get in on the suggestions. I'll also be going live on Facebook each Saturday to read the poem, so that's a doubly good reason to head on over and give the page a like if you haven't already.

In the meantime, here's the poem for week 1:

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