"In Jesus Christ, there is no distance or separation between the medium and the message:
it is the one case where we can say that the medium and the message are fully one and the same."
Marshall McLuhan

[Live Video] Storytelling and Preaching: Why they should have more in common.

In the eighteenth video of Adam Niven' s #FBLiveVideoChallenge for Media Theology Adam considers what it might look like to embrace more storytelling within our preaching.
Using the example of experiencing a new Porsche, Adam compares what it's like to see a deconstructed Porsche, so you can understand it, against what it would be like to experience the Porsche in full flight.

When so much of the Bible is narrative, it seems strange that we don't have more of an emphasis on creating more great storytellers.

Feel free to join me on this journey: https://www.facebook.com/mediatheology/

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